Florida shooting reopens debate on school safety – Harry Rhulen Interviewed by Business Insurance Magazine
Firestorm Co-Founder Interviewed for Business Insurance
Harry Rhulen, Firestorm co-founder and Novume (Nasdaq: NVMM) President, was interviewed for an article in the Business Insurance Magazine. In response to the February 14th shooting at a Florida high school, school safety is a current topic of discussion. Instead of relying solely on armed guards or resource officers, Harry reiterates the importance of preventing acts of violence before a perpetrator with a weapon walks into a school or business. Read the full article here.
“Armed people at school can be part of an effective plan, but you’ve got to build all the infrastructure around them,” Mr. Rhulen said. “
The problem is there’s usually not the resources to do it a way where you’re not creating a bigger exposure than you’re solving.”
Mr. Rhulen, whose firm responded to the 2007 mass shooting at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, added that “the problem with having anyone in a school with a gun is, ‘I (a potential shooter) no longer have to figure out how to get a gun from school; I have to figure out how to get the gun from you.’”
“Also, the perpetrators of these crimes typically research their intended target, the school, very carefully, so they know who the school resource officer is, they know who the armed security is, and that’s the first person they’re going to come for,” he said.
The absolute solution to the school shooter problem, Mr. Rhulen said, “is early detection, early intervention before the person ever feels the need to bring the gun to school.”
Read the full story via Business Insurance.
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