Every Crisis is a Human Crisis

In the process of working with many organizations in crisis, Firestorm came to understand that “every crisis is a human crisis.” In order for an organization to perform at its highest level in the aftermath of an occurrence, everyone within the organization must understand their part and be prepared. The concept of building Disaster Ready People® is one that is at the heart of what Firestorm does.

Our Mission

To empower people to manage risk and crises.

We achieve this mission through our services and products that focus on establishing readiness before crisis strikes.

Our Team

Jim Satterfield

Harry Rhulen

Suzy Loughlin

Since our founding in 2005, Firestorm has adopted a philosophy of providing critical decision support services through our proven management consulting skills.  Our Senior team brings unparalleled expertise in the delivery of our products and services.

  • Our team is built with senior-level staff who are accustomed to working with executives and first-line managers across all sizes of organizations, institutions, and companies. In addition, Firestorm expertise is enhanced by its Expert Council, which includes senior level experts from the public and private sectors who may participate in advisement to our clients, and whose thought leadership is integrated throughout the methodologies and approaches utilized on all projects.
  • Our team has significant practical experience in our defined areas of specialty and decades of executive leadership and management experience throughout multiple organizations.  This management experience provides practical knowledge of challenges and best practices for driving maximum performance from teams.

Together, these talented individuals bring a level of credibility and skill to risk and crisis which is unmatched by any other organization.

It is this breadth and depth of Firestorm’s human capital that distinguishes Firestorm from other consulting firms. Firestorm staff and Expert Council are available to our partner organizations and their insureds, members, and clients at any moment, to prevent, mitigate and respond to any occurrence/crisis.

The Firestorm Approach is Based on the Predict.Plan.Perform® Methodology

The Predict.Plan.Perform®. methodology is simple in concept, and one which invariably improves results when followed. When analyzing any situation, the first step which Firestorm recommends is that an organization or individual analyze their vulnerabilities and threats, as well as the opportunities which present. This predictive work allows detailed planning to follow which addresses as many of the concerns as possible. Execution of the plan should then result in the best outcome. Often, Firestorm displays this methodology in a circular fashion, as once performance has occurred, review of the outcome should result in new predictive results and adjustments to future plans.

This methodology is useful even in crisis situations where no previous predictive or planning work has occurred, and it has consistently produced exceptional results for clients in crisis.