Why Do People Still Use Pathetic Passwords?

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zuckerhack2zuckerhack1Earlier this week, Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts were hacked with a person familiar with the matter claiming he reused the password: “dadada”. One of Facebook’s primary security tips is not to reuse the same passwords anywhere else online. The Facebook boss was quite fortunate however, with “OurMine Team” who hacked his Pinterest saying they were just testing Zuckerberg’s security.

OurMine has attacked social media accounts owned by a number of high-profile individuals and organizations, and  been removed from Twitter before. Before its Twitter account was suspended after the Zuckerberg break in, the group would regularly boast about its hacking victories, and ask its followers which groups it should target next. ~QZ.com~

The infographic below shows a list of the 10 most popular LinkedIn passwords which were revealed during a 2012 hack when the details of 117 million users were stolen. “123456” was the most popular password by far, used by over 750,000 accounts according to LeakedSource. The second most popular was “linkedin” (172,000 accounts) followed by “password” (144,000 accounts).

Infographic: Social Media: People Still Use Pathetic Passwords | Statista
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