Satterfield to Keynote Supply Chain Management Center (SCMC) of Excellence – Press Release

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The Supply Chain Management Center (SCMC) of Excellence at the McCombs School of Business, the University of Texas at Austin has announced Jim Satterfield as the Executive Keynote for the 2016  SCMC Roundtable on Supply Chain, hosted this year from April 14 through 15.

Jim will discuss “Transforming Supply Chain Risk & Uncertainty into Value.” Additionally, Firestorm Principal Missan Eido will co-present with Robert Benny of SCMC, a whitepaper report entitled: “Is Your Supply Chain at Risk? A Maturity Model for Resiliency.”

“Firestorm is honored to participate in this SCMC special event. SCMC is a Center of Excellence that promotes Supply Chain Excellence at the University of Texas and connects students, faculty and industry partners. SCMC serves as both an intellectual and human conduit between the supply chain program and the member companies.”

The Texas Supply Chain event’s theme is Supply Chain Disruptions: Are You Ready?

We know that disruptive events are commonplace. In the world of Supply Chain, it’s not a question of if a disruption will occur, but rather where and when it will happen. Climate based, geographical, geo-political, machine based or man-made disruptions will occur. This two-day event helps supply chain professionals answer the question “Are you ready to respond to and minimize the impact of a disruption in your business today?”


Thursday, April 14th

Recognition Dinner

Friday, April 15

SCMC Round-table: Supply Chain Disruptions: Are You Ready?
Expert Presentations

Executive Keynote: Transforming Supply Chain Risk & Uncertainty into Value

Jim Satterfield, COO/President, Firestorm      

Whitepaper Report: Is Your Supply Chain at Risk? A Maturity Model for Resiliency

Missan Eido, Principal, Firestorm
Robert Benny, Associate Director, SCMC and Firestorm Expert Council Member

Academic Highlight: Supporting Hurricane Inventory Management Decisions with Consumer Demand Estimates

Douglas Morrice, Professor, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management (IROM), McCombs School of Business

Industry Panel Discussion featuring Phillips 66, PwC, Southwest Airlines, Transplace, and UPS

Moderated by Mary Ann Anderson, Associate Director, SCMC

Private Networking Breakfast and Lunch

Attendance is by invitation only to SCMC member companies, supply chain students and faculty at the University.

For more information on the Supply Chain Program and Center of Excellence at the University of Texas at Austin please contact Robert Benny at [email protected]

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