Millington Tennessee Naval Base Shooting – Released National Guard Employee shoots two
Released National Guard Employee shoots two – Shooter fires handgun, wounds two and tackled to ground by employees.
Official Notice from From Defense Media Activity-Navy
WASHINGTON (NNS) — A shooting occurred at approximately 12:47 (local time) today at a National Guard facility located near Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mid-South, Millington, Tenn. No fatalities were reported, but two National Guardsmen received non-life threatening injuries.
U.S. Navy and Millington Police Department personnel responded to the incident. The suspect, a National Guardsman, was taken into custody. The Naval Support Activity was briefly put on lockdown as a precaution, but has since lifted that restriction.
The U.S. Navy and U.S. Army are working with local law enforcement to investigate the incident. For more information contact Mr. Randy Harris, Public Affairs Officer for the TN National Guard, at 615-313-0662 or [email protected].
#USNavy confirms #Millington shooting suspect and 2 victims members of @USNationalGuard.
A Navy recruiter who had been relieved of duty shot two people at a Navy base north of Memphis and was quickly taken into custody, according to a law enforcement official who had been briefed on the developments.
The injuries were not life-threatening, said that official and another official, both of whom spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation publicly.
This is Type 3 Workplace Violence: Violence committed by someone that has employment-related involvement with the company.
- Verbal threats, threatening behavior or physical as assaults are committed by an assailant who has some employment-related involvement with the workplace – a current or former employee, supervisor/manager, for example. In committing a threat or assault, the individual may be seeking revenge for what is perceived as unfair treatment.
- This type of violence can usually be divided into two sub-types: violence between supervisors/managers and subordinates, and violence between co-workers or peers.
- Violence in this category usually comes with a much greater chance that some warning signs will have reached the employer in the form of observable behavior. That knowledge, along with the appropriate prevention programs, can mitigate the potential for violence or prevent it altogether. No single signal, taken alone, is a sure indicator that an employee may turn violent, especially during an emotionally charged meeting such as a dismissal, but managers and HR professionals should be on the lookout for clues indicating that intervention may be necessary — and, if other employees notice these signs and have concerns, they should raise them with a manager.
- Things to look for include:
- an unexplained rise in absences
- substance abuse
- outbursts at coworkers and customers or poor impulse control generally
- verbal abuse or threats toward coworkers and customers
- making harassing phone calls or email communications
- strained workplace relationships
- overreaction or resistance to even minor changes in workplace routine; insubordination and belligerence
- lack of attention to personal appearance, including hygiene
- interest in firearms or other weapons; access to weapons
- signs of paranoia (“everyone’s out to get me”) or withdrawal
- fascination with violent acts or fantasies, or a history of violence
- seeing oneself as a victim and others as persecutors; blaming others for one’s problems
- obsessive behavior toward a coworker or customer, up to and including stalking
- comments about suicide
- mood swings, and
- domestic problems, including money troubles or family disputes.
In this instancee, the shooter is currently in custody and a shelter-in-place order was given on the property as a precaution.
What Does Shelter in Place Mean?
From the CDC
“Shelter-in-place” means to take immediate shelter where you are—at home, work, school, or in between. It may also mean “seal the room;” in other words, take steps to prevent outside air from coming in. This is because local authorities may instruct you to “shelter-in-place” if chemical or radiological contaminants are released into the environment. It is important to listen to TV or radio to understand whether the authorities wish you to merely remain indoors or to take additional steps to protect yourself and your family.How do I prepare?
At home
Choose a room in advance for your shelter. The best room is one with as few windows and doors as possible. A large room, preferably with a water supply, is desirable—something like a master bedroom that is connected to a bathroom.
Contact your workplaces, your children’s schools, nursing homes where you may have family and your local town or city officials to find out what their plans are for “shelter-in-place.”
Find out when warning systems will be tested. When tested in your area, determine whether you can hear or see sirens and/or warning lights from your home.
Develop your own family emergency plan so that every family member knows what to do. Practice it regularly.
Assemble a disaster supplies kit that includes emergency water and food supplies.
At work
Help ensure that the emergency plan and checklist involves all employees. Volunteers or recruits should be assigned specific duties during an emergency. Alternates should be assigned to each duty.
The shelter kit should be checked on a regular basis. Duct tape and first aid supplies can sometimes disappear when all employees know where the shelter kit is stored. Batteries for the radio and flashlight should be replaced regularly.
In general
Learn CPR, first aid and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).
How will I know when I need to “shelter-in-place”?
Fire or police department warning procedures could include:”All-Call” telephoning – an automated system for sending recorded messages, sometimes called “reverse 9-1-1”.
Emergency Alert System (EAS) broadcasts on the radio or television.
Outdoor warning sirens or horns.
News media sources – radio, television and cable.
NOAA Weather Radio alerts.
Residential route alerting – messages announced to neighborhoods from vehicles equipped with public address systems.
Facilities that handle potentially dangerous materials, like nuclear power plants, are required to install sirens and other warning systems (flash warning lights) to cover a 10-mile area around the plant.
For more information
Your local emergency management agency
CDC Public Response Hotline
English 1-888-246-2675
Spanish 1-888-246-2857
TTY 1-866-874-2646)