It’s Time to #ShareTheFormula

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May 10, 2018:

Today as you read this, a group of dedicated experts focused on preventing future episodes of school violence are meeting at our Nation’s capitol at the National Press Club in Washington DC.

They include:

  • Dr. Jeff Jackson, President of the Georgia Independent School Association
  • Parkland students and parents
  • Mina Lux, Founder, Meelo Logic, Inc.
  • Brenda Truelove, College of Continuing Studies, University of Alabama
  • Suzanne Loughlin, EVP and General Counsel, Novume Solutions
  • Hart Brown, COO, Firestorm Solutions
  • Moderator, Ann Compton, Former ABC News White House Correspondent

Their goal is to bring together the best thoughts, ideas, leadership, experience and passion for keeping children, our teachers and our communities safer. We do this not by arming teachers, not by disarming others; we do this by being there before the weapon ever comes to the scene.

Responding to violence after the fact is needed and we applaud those who run toward danger. Our goal however, is to combine nine, key components to identify behaviors of concern long before an act of violence visits any campus, any school no matter how large or small, any workplace.

Today marks the day that Firestorm declares its own war against violence – violence that has torn families apart and damaged those involved for years and years to come. Every anniversary of an act of violence reopens the pain and trauma of those affected. We know we can make a difference and you can help.

Our Formula consists of nine (9) key components. We will help you find providers, be the provider, teach your providers – we don’t care – we’re giving you what we know works so you can implement in your own environment.

Then, join us:  use the #ShareTheFormula hashtag and encourage others to do so.  Train the next generation of educators to #ShareTheFormula – make it part of our lexicon and a fact of our legacy as a generation that we helped stop the violence. Download #ShareTheFormula here and we’ll keep you updated on when we visit your city, and new developments as others #ShareTheFormula.

As a multi-generational force for change, we – all of us – everyone reading this – are the Solution, and every Solution has a Formula. #ShareTheFormula

Want to learn how to #ShareTheFormula in your community?

Download #ShareTheFormula infographic for K-8 Students Download #ShareTheFormula infographic for HS/College Students Download #ShareTheFormula infographic for Parents/Adults


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