Firestorm Principal, Jeff Hamilton, Announced as the President and COO of Nexis Preparedness Systems
LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA (September 1, 2015) – Nexis Preparedness Systems (NPS), the leader in effective emergency response solutions, announced the promotion of Jeff Hamilton to President and Chief Operating Officer. Jeff will be responsible for continuing to lead NPS as the leader in providing a comprehensive approach to physical preparedness and to offering complete solutions in the areas of emergency response, business continuity and crisis management.
According to Brian Klosterman, CEO of NPS, “In designing supply solutions, Jeff recognized there was a void in the industry with integrating and aligning those supply resources to overall threats assessments, business continuity programs and emergency response plans to meet overall objectives. To address this issue, Jeff has successfully integrated our expertise with a partnership with Firestorm, the nationally recognized leader in Crisis Management. This comprehensive approach is unique to the industry and brings to bear a full suite of integrated solutions.”
Jeff has over 35 years of experience in technical management, product marketing and executive level management in the semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor capital equipment, finance and consumer products industries.
About Nexis Preparedness Systems / Firestorm
Nexis Preparedness Systems (NPS) is the leader in providing a comprehensive approach to effective emergency response. With their proprietary tools, they design supply solutions based on best practices and critical metrics to align with site objectives. Furthermore, NPS integrates and aligns those supply resources to overall threats assessments, business continuity programs and emergency response plans to meet overall objectives.
In January 2015, NPS partnered with Firestorm. The Firestorm PREDICT.PLAN.PERFORM.® process is the foundation for a next-generation suite of consulting services, tools and software to create resilient, disaster-ready organizations.
The partnership provides the Nexis Preparedness Systems best practices approach to physical preparedness aligned with the Firestorm PREDICT.PLAN.PERFORM.® process for a fully integrated and comprehensive approach that is unique in the industry.
Nexis Preparedness Systems together with Firestorm empowers people to manage risk and crises.
Firestorm would like to congratulate Jeff on his accomplishment!