Everybody Has Problems… Even GoToWebinar™ – Virtual Cyber Exercise Rescheduled for May 25
When you are in the crisis management business, you expect others to be in crisis, not you. Normally, Firestorm is supporting others.
This week, Firestorm had scheduled a Virtual Cyber Breach Exercise for hundreds of companies. In the hour before our event, GoToWebinar had a significant technical failure impacting their clients and our virtual exercise.
As with any crisis, initial available information was incomplete or in error. As the minutes approached the start time, we received hundreds of messages and calls confirming the access problems. As with any crisis, you are forced to make choices between bad options. Here, we had to decide to either wait and hope for recovery or cancel and reschedule. We chose to reschedule.
It is not without irony that our cyber breach exercise experienced a cyber failure. In fairness, in our seven years’ experience with GoToWebinar, this was our first significant disruption.
To provide everyone with enough time to reschedule their teams for the exercise, we have rescheduled for May 25th at 2 p.m. EST. I hope you can join us then.
Jim Satterfield
Firestorm President, COO and Co-Founder
Please register here, thank you for your patience, and on behalf of GoToWebinar, we apologize for any inconvenience.