Emergency Lockdown Drills – Should All Ages Participate?
Preparing kids for an emergency is like walking a fine line. Many parents fear drills that are meant to prepare students for emergency lockdowns will introduce new fears to children, leaving them feeling unsafe at school. Should you conduct lockdown drills with students – especially younger students? The answer is a resounding yes. All schools should conduct drills to emergency lockdown drills and adapt them to meet the emotional and intellectual needs of their student body.
Elements of a Successful Lockdown Drill
Lockdown drills don’t have to be scary. For any age, a successful drill includes:
- Administering a plain-language alert that all staff, students, and visitors can hear and understand. Avoid using jargon and phrases such as ‘code red’ or ‘code black’
- Participants making their way to a secure area of the building
- Participants seeking shelter behind a door that can be locked, barricaded and/or tethered
- Participants seeking cover and concealment within their safe space
- Participants silencing cell phones, closing blinds and shutting off lights
- Protocol ensuring everyone is accounted for
Lockdown drills should be conducted with regularity and variety
Regularity – We recommend at least two times per year, or as required by local regulations
Variety – Conduct the drills at different times of day. Try to initiate drills when children are in different areas of the building
Note that an explanation of the “why”—the reasons behind the drill are not critical to a successful drill.
Conducting Emergency Lockdown Drills with Young Students (Childcare, Preschool, Elementary School) – It’s All About Protocol
Practicing for lockdown scenarios with young children is about enforcing proper movements and protocol, without going into details about the reasons for the drill. There is no need to introduce the idea of intruders or violence. Teachers can explain the drills as ways to practice being safe. Teachers should use plain language to explain what is happening and what the children can expect. For a fire drill a teacher might say, “Sometimes, in order to be safe, we have to leave the building quickly and quietly.” Teachers can use the same strategy for a lockdown drill and say, “Sometimes, in order to be safe, we have to turn off the lights and sit in this corner of the room. Today we are going to practice.”
Teachers should clearly and calmly explain: what noise will indicate the start of the drill, where students should go, how they should behave during the drill, and what else will happen in the area (the teacher will turn off the lights, close the shades, lock the door etc.). With practice, students will become familiar with the protocol.
Teachers benefit immensely from practicing with students as they have the opportunity to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their emergency plan and can adapt to better prepare to keep the students safe. Did all of the students fit into the closet like as planned? Did any student(s) stand out/present themselves as needing special assistance in future drills?
When emergency drills are conducted regularly and without a sense of danger or panic, they become routine.
Conducting Emergency Lockdown Drills with Older Students (Middle School, High School) – Add the “Why”
Many of the same basic principles apply when conducting lockdown drills with older students – teachers should use clear language to explain what is happening and what is expected of the students. With older students, it can be beneficial and appropriate to introduce the “why” element to the drills and make the drills more realistic. Match your explanation of the “why” to the students’ emotional maturity.
Giving context to the drills can instill a sense of importance, and encourage students to take the drill more seriously. Making a lockdown drill slightly more realistic can train students to react and follow protocol even when there is a sense of danger.
Conducting Emergency Lockdown Drills with Staff Only – Add an Element of Realism
During teacher training sessions, it is useful to conduct drills without the students. Schools can simulate emergency situations in much more realistic detail, giving teachers the opportunity to understand how they naturally react under pressure, and how they can improve. Teachers and staff will be the leaders during any real-life emergency situation and they should be trained to feel fully confident in their ability to react in a lockdown scenario.
Always remember – a plan is only as good as the people who are implementing. In the event of a real lockdown, teachers and students will be accountable for carrying out the plan. Age appropriate training for all is critical to a successful response.
Jason, the Firestorm Chief Security Officer and former Secret Service Agent, frequently travels to schools and businesses to conduct site assessments and training exercises. Please contact us if you are interested in scheduling a training or assessment with Jason.
Attending the Disaster Recovery Journal Spring World in Orlando, Florida? Jason will present a breakout session on Tuesday, March 27 from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Active Shooter – What do you need to do Before, During and After an Active Shooter Event? 
Breakout Track 5 – Session 2
The 2017 mass shooting event in Las Vegas combined with growing workplace violence and terrorism threats increases exposures for everyone whether at work, home or at an event. How do you reduce risk? How do you train your people? Attendees will learn new techniques from retired Secret Service Agents. Attendees will learn how to identify behaviors of concern, determine threat levels, understand evacuate, secure, and confront techniques, and identify how to manage post event issues.
Learn more about the 2018 DRJ Spring World or register for the event.