Disaster Dominoes – Harry Rhulen Interviewed for Security Management Magazine

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According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2017 was the costliest year to date due to natural disasters, primarily Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. Preparing for natural disaster destruction is important, but learning from past disasters cannot be overlooked.

Related: 2017 Was the Costliest Year to Date – Here’s WhyHarry Rhulen President Novume and Firestorm Founder

Firestorm co-founder and Novume President, Harry Rhulen, was interviewed by the Security Management Magazine in an article called Disaster Dominoes. Harry discussed the emergency response that was exhibited during and after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

“Proper disaster preparedness and response means planning for multiple disasters, not just one. “It’s one of the most important things to account for—when you are doing business continuity and disaster planning, in general, you should assume multiple events,” Rhulen says…

Given that government resources were stretched thin by the double blow of Harvey and Irma, the active volunteer response during the storms was especially critical and “really impressive,” Rhulen says. These volunteers, ranging in scope from formal groups to neighbors helping neighbors, beefed up a responder workforce that would have been inadequate without them. “People need to understand—you’re really your own first responder,” he says.”

Read the full article here, beginning on page 14.

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Related: Reflecting on Harvey and Planning for Irma

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