13 Social Media Crisis Basics for 2013 – Recorded Webinar

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Most Recent Webcast:  13 Social Media Basics for 2013 – 1st in Series

DownloadWPCrisis events over 2012 provided new insights into the impact and use of Social Media.  From managing first alerts to verifying false information, we saw overall, both a higher level of maturity and a higher level of risk evolve.

As we identified new risks– from disaster victims assisting criminals by posting images of their abandoned properties, to extreme media exposure of minors and other vulnerable victims of disaster, we shared this information with our community, and have developed best practices to assist you respond in the event of a like-crisis.

The below webinar and companion paper by Firestorm EVP of Social Media, Karen Masullo, “13 Social Communication Basics for 2013”, aim to recap our lessons learned in a manner that helps you as you manage your Social Crisis interactions in 2013, and to take action now.

Download the paper now. Click below image to view the webinar (webinar will launch in a new window).


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