Custom Crisis Management Plan Development

Providing Coordination and Communication for Crisis Response and Business Recovery Efforts

Call to get started: (800) 321-2219

A crisis is defined as any situation with the potential to significantly and adversely impact the performance, business operations, or reputation of a Company, and over which normal, routine incident management offers diminished leverage in determining outcomes.

A crisis is a critical event, which, if not handled in an appropriate manner, may dramatically impact a Company’s profitability, reputation, or ability to operate.

A Crisis Management Plan (CMP) enables your Company to respond, communicate, and manage crises in the most efficient and effective way possible regardless of circumstances.

A Crisis Management Plan Template is designed to provide comprehensive, practical, and structured guidance to those responsible for developing a Crisis Management Plan and other related crisis response documents for your Company. This plan contains a recommended structure, outline, and contents for a typical Crisis Management Plan. It also includes representative support team functions that could be called into action when the Crisis Management Team is activated.

A CMP is intended to:

  • Document your CMP model
  • Identify Crisis Management Team(s)
  • Document communication protocols among groups
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities
  • Determine appropriate decision making authority and responsibilities at the local & corporate levels.

Key Components of Crisis Plans

The following is a list of plans that we often help businesses and organizations develop:

Let us help you get started today. Disaster is not worth the wait.

Let us help you get started today. Disaster is not worth the wait.

Contact us or call – (800) 321-2219