word cloudDo You Know What Crisis-Risks Are Embedded Within Your Organization?

What will your management team do when confronted with a business crisis? Traditionally, organizations focus on external risks and address them with business continuity plans. Many more business crises, however, are due to management’s failure to act quickly to an internal crisis-risk. These risks are much more likely to negatively impact an organization’s people, profits and reputation.

Why Firestorm?

Firestorm® is the premier CRISIS COACH® and empowers people to manage risks and crises with its PREDICT.PLAN.PERFORM.® methodology. Expert analysis by Firestorm has found that business crisis-risk™ is inherent in all organizations. The Firestorm Business Crisis-Risk™ Prevention & Performance Group focuses on the crisis-risk seeds imbedded in the organizations’ underlying controls, processes, decisions, communications and actions.

In managing the resulting crises, Firestorm has identified the single points where the resulting consequences began. Firestorm has studied these risks as they move from difficult, to chronic to severe crises; ultimately resulting in loss of control of your business. Identifying these points before a crisis and mitigating or preventing them empowers you to manage risk and crises. The diagram below details the different types of crises and their characteristics.

Business Crisis Predictive Diagnostic Model

How Do I Identify My Business Crisis-Risk™?

Contact Firestorm® to schedule a conversation with our experts to determine your current business crisis-risk exposure and learn how the Firestorm process works.  We may ask you to complete a self-guided questionnaire to assess the indicators of risk in your functions, processes and operations. Based on the results, we may discuss a focused response to an immediate severe impending business crisis need.

For organizations with difficult and chronic crisis-risk indicators, Firestorm will schedule and facilitate a series of four interactive sessions with your management team to identify and address the specific crisis-risk exposures imbedded in your business.  More importantly, this Firestorm Business Crisis-Risk Prevention and Diagnostic Workshop™ Series empowers your management team to focus on future emerging crisis-risk, and how to manage any business crisis. Each workshop is tailored to the specific attributes of your organization.

“When the bank called our loan, I did not open my business continuity plan; I relied on the Firestorm business crisis expertise to see us through. What could have been the death of our company turned into an opportunity.”

-Firestorm Client

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