Business Continuity Self-Assessment

During a Crisis is Not the Time to Assess Your Crisis Plan

Can your business survive a disruption or crisis? Most organizations believe they can—until one occurs. Do you have a culture of preparedness within your organization? Find out before a disruption tests your resiliency.

The Firestorm Business Continuity Self-Assessment offers a diagnostic tool that provides an in-depth evaluation of your organization’s preparedness. Our Business Continuity Self-Assessment:

  • Measures current performance levels and assesses your readiness to prevent and respond to acts of workplace violence.
  • Establishes a baseline, and sets up process improvement metrics to ensure the best possible return on the resources invested.
  • Is completed in a sixty minute interview.

How the Firestorm Business Continuity Self-Assessment Works

Description of Service: The self-assessment is a series of fifty plus questions that are divided across the following areas of a Business Continuity Program:

  1. Program Policy
  2. Risk Analysis
  3. Business Impact Analysis
  4. Strategy
  5. Incident Response
  6. Crisis Management/Communications
  7. Business Continuity & IT-Disaster Recovery Plans
  8. Communicable Illness
  9. Maintenance
  10. Testing
  11. Training

Through a single group interview, Firestorm engages in a conversational series of questions with key representatives from your Business Continuity Program. Each question is designed to capture a specific, structured response from a multiple choice selection.

Upon completion of the interview, Firestorm produces a narrative analysis that includes a calculated Preaction Index Rating™ and a chart demonstrating overall scoring by the key dimensions, as well as an overall ranking of program “readiness”.

If needed, Firestorm will propose a strategy for your company to implement a Business Continuity Program that will align with industry best practices.

PREDICT. PLAN. PERFORM®: The Perfect Road-map for Readiness

PREDICT. The Firestorm Business Continuity Self-Assessment diagnostic tool measures your organization’s current level of readiness, and shows you how to implement improvements with the highest return on investment.

PLAN. With the Firestorm self-assessment and analysis completed, you can utilize the Firestorm Business Continuity Tool-Kit™ to begin building a program that meets best practices in all categories.

PERFORM. By implementing the Firestorm recommended improvements and adjustments, your organization will gain value from overall preparedness.

Click here for more information, or to schedule an interview for a Firestorm Business Continuity Self-Assessment of your company.