What’s in our Pandemic Toolkit?
This ToolKit is designed to step you through a logical process in analyzing your Company’s vulnerabilities, establishing priorities, and creating a culture of preparedness. Listed immediately below are the ToolKit Tools.
- Introduction & Overview – Provides background of impacts and emerging events. Can be used as a tool to engage team members and decision makers.
- ToolKit ‘How to’ Instructional Manual – Step-by-step instructions for use of tools.
- Communicable Illness/Pandemic Action Plan Template – Provides a Communicable Illness Template that serves as a road map to the process of developing a Pandemic Plan.
- Communicable Illness/Pandemic Planning Checklists – Provides checklists to identify the activities needed to prepare and implement the plan. Your Company will need to adapt these checklists according to its unique needs and circumstances. Many of the activities identified in these checklists will also help your Company prepare for other kinds of emergencies.
- Communicable Illness Board Resolution – Provides draft Board Resolution to document Board engagement in decision process.
- Corporate Communicable Illness Policy – Provides a sample communicable illness policy statement for your Company. This statement can be customized as desired. The policy establishes a framework for your Company’s plan.
- Action Items to Consider (by Pandemic Stages) – Provides high level sample guidance for departments during various pandemic stages. The pandemic planning team will need to select action items for your Company and add Company specific actions.
- Monitoring & Triggers – Provides guidance for establishing specific monitoring plans for activation of company pandemic plans. Evolvement of pandemic threats vary geographically over time. Knowing current levels and predicting needs are critical to mitigating impacts.
- Human Resource Reference Guide For Communicable Illness Planning & FAQs – Provides guidance on analyzing human resource policies, benefits, and procedures. Pandemics have a disproportional impact on human assets. There are unique personal, financial, and operational impacts associated with human resources. These decisions need to be made early in the plan development process. The decisions involve significant financial and shareholder value components.
- Communicable Illness Policies – Provides baseline policies to mitigate impacts and maintain a safe work environment.
- Stockpiling Personal Protective Equipment & Cleaning Supplies – Provides baseline stockpile information regarding employee personal protection equipment and cleaning supplies. Obtaining the necessary stockpile in advance of need is critical. Shortages are projected during a pandemic.
- Communicable Illness Crisis Communications Guidelines – Provides basic communications and spokesperson reference material to address pandemic crisis communications needs.
- Message Maps & Posters – Message Maps provide sample messages targeting specific stakeholders. Theses message maps need to be customized for your Company and can be edited as needed during a pandemic. Posters are provided to help raise awareness.
- Communications to Employees – Provides sample letters and emails to employees to be used and edited during the pandemic stages as directed by the pandemic planning team.
- Communicable Illness Guide for Employees – Provides a sample employee handout for communicating Company pandemic plans. The Guidelines are focused on alerting, not alarming employees.
- Going Beyond the immediate communicable illness threat – Global Health Threats – Provides an introduction to other communicable illness threats so that your Company pandemic plan can be adapted, as needed, in the face of emerging threats.
- Internet Resources & Glossary of Terms – Provides additional linkage to extra planning and response resources along with a glossary of terms used.