24 year-old suspect opens fire in Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater
24 year-old suspect opens fire in Aurora, Colorado Movie Theater
100 FBI agents respond
Firestorm Alert:
From Firestorm CAO Suzy Loughlin:
UPDATE 7/21/2012:
Bonfils Blood Center is looking for donations. The immediate need is covered, but events like this serve to remind us all of the continuing need for blood. You can find a blood drive or set up a time to donate by calling 303-366-2000.
There is a prayer vigil in Aurora tonight, 7/21/2012 at 7:00PM at the Kaiser Permanente Building at 14701 East Exposition Avenue, Aurora, CO 80012. For information call 303-739-7000.
If you or a family member is having a tough time dealing with today’s events you can contact Children’s Hospital Colorado at 720-777-2300. Leave your name and number and they will have one of their specialists contact you.
Finally, you can post online condolences here: http://www.9news.com/theatershooting/
24 year-old James Holmes has been identified by federal officials as the shooter who opened fire at a premier of The Dark Night Rises in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 and wounding more than 71.
Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said at a 1 p.m. press conference that in addition to being armed with several guns, the suspect had “a throat protector, a groin protector and black tactical gloves.”
The suspect James Holmes will appear in court on Monday at 8:30 a.m. for “advisement” of his rights. No charges yet.
Warner Bros has cancelled the planned Paris premier of the movie, scheduled for this evening, and issued this statement:
Warner Bros. is deeply saddened to learn about this shocking incident. We extend our sincere sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims at this tragic time.
Police seized a rifle and a handgun from the suspect, and another gun was found in the theater. The gunman opened fire in theater No. 9 of the Century 16 Movie Theater, the bullets pierced the wall and hit some victims in theater No. 8. A 3-month old baby wounded in the shootings has been treated and released from the hospital.
The suspect wore a gas mask – similar to the film’s villain Bane – and opened fire at the movie theater in a mall in the Denver suburb of Aurora, various news sources reported. He also set off a smoke or tear gas bomb, according to some reports.
Be on alert. Events like this shooting may spur copy-cat activity:
- Be vigilant with respect to any aberrational behavior.
- Evaluate public venues where field trips or other mass gatherings are planned (concerts, sports stadiums, theaters). Request information on venue security plans that you plan to visit.
- Update all communications information for students, campers, employees and others attending field trips or public gathering events.
- Be aware of anyone bringing things into your facility—boxes, guitar cases; the wearing of costumes, trench-coats or any other clothing that serves to hide items/devices.
Workplace Violence is regrettably a part of our culture. There are steps we as employers and school administrators can take to prevent acts of violence. Violence is predictable. Plans make a difference. People can be trained on both prevention and response. Contact Firestorm for assistance.
For support and information on the Aftermath of Trauma, please see Firestorm Expert Council Member Carolyn Mears’ book: Reclaiming School in the Aftermath of Trauma: Advice Based on Experience